There could be several reasons why we are unable to locate you straight away. We will try to address the most common ones in this article.
To verify your location we rely on Wi-Fi signals. You do not need to be using Wi-Fi (wireless internet) for your connection to the Internet, but it needs to be turned enabled on your computer so that we can track the Wi-Fi networks in your area and use them to find you.
How do I enable Wi-Fi?
Please find detailed instructions here:
Once you have switched Wi-Fi on, please click on your Wi-Fi icon (typically this is in the taskbar at the bottom of your computer screen) and check the number of networks that you can see. The more there are, the easier it is to verify your location even if you are not connected to them.
Should you be in a basement or somewhere with a low signal, we'd recommend moving higher up in the house or somewhere with line-of-sight to another building. If we can only see one Wi-Fi network, this may be why we are not able to verify you with it.